Chromagen lenses are a series of coloured filters initially created to help with colour blindness and then further developed to treat dyslexia and specific learning difficulties. The lenses can be worn as soft contact lenses or as spectacles and may treat one or both eyes depending on symptoms. The prescription is based on a series of tests which usually take around 3 hours – including time in the consulting room and time trialing the filters. However, this doesn’t have to take place in one go but can be spread over a number of visits to match the patient’s needs. This is particularly important for children – we like to work at the right pace for the child and the parent.
What is chromagen
ChromaGen is a unique product that was developed to
help patients who suffer from either colour deficiency or academic skills disorders (ASD). ASD is a term that
covers reading, writing and spelling difficulties that is known as Dyslexia. ChromaGen Haploscopic filters are a range of precision tinted lenses which are individually prescribed for patients. They can be worn as either spectacles or contact lenses. In trials over 97% of colour deficient people reported a significant enhancement to their colour vision. In other trials, it was noted that people suffering from reading disorders or ASD have also benefited dramatically, making reading significantly easier when using ChromaGen lenses.
What is Colour deficiency
Colour vision deficiency is the inability to distinguish certain shades of colour. The term “colour blindness” is also used to describe this visual condition, but very few people are completely colour blind. Colour deficiency is usually present from birth, although sometimes it can develop later in life. Most people are “red green” deficient, which means they have difficulty distinguishing between shades of red, yellow and green. There is no cure for colour deficiency, but ChromaGen filters can help by changing the level of each colour going to the eyes
helping to offer enhanced colour perception and colour discrimination. For many people the improvement in their colour perception and discrimination can be very dramatic; they find the brightness of all colours even the colours they normally identify correctly seem richer and more vivid.
What is dyslexia
Dyslexia is a specific learning difficulty that primarily affects the ability to learn to read, write and spell. It often runs in families and stems from a difficulty in processing the sounds in words. It is estimated that 1 in every 10 to 20 people in the UK alone has some degree of dyslexia. The signs and symptoms of dyslexia vary from person to person, and also for different age groups.
Fortunately, a very simple assessment is available with a registered ChromaGen practitioner, such as Panoptica, who can prescribe suitable ChromaGen lenses that can result in a life-changing experience for adults and children alike suffering from all forms of academic skills disorder including dyslexia.